Thin Places
For the past couple of days, every so often, I can catch Carter’s attention. He actually looks into my eyes. It’s only happened a handful of times, but it’s happening more frequently, even to the point that he turns his head and looks at me when I talk. I feel a soul connection with him when he does this. It’s not a feeling you can describe. It’s not of this earth.
I recently read a blog post where a woman commented that these moments are the thin places. It’s the veil between us and a higher power, thinner than it usually is.
I think that is beautiful and I think it describes exactly what I’ve been feeling. I’ve always wondered if he knows me, my smell, my voice. In these moments, I just know. I don’t question it.
I wish it happened more and I pray he doesn’t regress. I live for these moments.
Frozen in time with my man. Just as it should be.
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