Moving Along
It’s been 10 days since the genetics team recommended the chromosome micro array. 10 days of frustration. Waiting on insurance to see what or if they can even help cover the cost, that cost being over $1500.
It’s like pulling teeth trying to get any sort of assistance. Everything related to special needs is entirely too expensive.
In addition, my man now has two teeth and is growing like a weed. Which means TANTRUMS. His new favorite move is slamming his legs down on whatever service he is laying on. And if he kicks you, more points to him.
He’s been working hard in therapy and achieving a few goals. Nothing spectacular, but every inch stone he reaches is very exciting. He finally reaches the ground (kind of) in his little walker, so he’s learning to propel himself forward. That’s always fun to watch.
We will be going to Texas soon to visit his Aunt and her family. I know he will be super excited to travel 
Not too much of an update tonight, but thinking of everyone who supports us and reads my blog.
Thank you.
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