Day 2: 10 things you may not know about me
This blog is lovingly dedicated to my son, but I’m stealing his thunder for one post.
10. I’m borderline obsessed with anything Disney-related. I would quit my job today, if I could make a decent living being a Disney princess. They have already let me know I’m just too small, even for tinker bell, but who cares. Follow your dreams, right?
9. I hate socks. I hate the seams at the toes. The thought of my feet having the life sucked out of them by those monsters makes me cringe.
8. I get overwhelmed pretty easily. A restaurant menu will set me off. I don’t do well with a lot of options and the idea of making the wrong choice. I am also a perfectionist, or was, which makes a lot of tasks not doable. I’m an everything has its place kind of girl.
7. I love the feeling of falling. I search for it. From roller coasters to bungee jumping. I even like going a little faster than I should over a bump in the road. Why? No idea. I like the adrenaline and feeling like I’m alive.
6. I love horror movies. Not bloody, gory horror movies or exorcist/shining horror movies. Horror movies that could 100% happen. I love to be scared and ghosts are a serious passion of mine. But don’t even think of taking me to a fake haunted house. Hell. No.
5. I LOVE live music. Music in general is food to my soul, but there is something about the energy of a live show that I crave.
4. I should have either been a marine biologist or in forensics. I find science completely fascinating. I’m not sure how I ended up in non-profit..
3. I look at my life and memories as before and after Carter’s birth. I am a different person now, in so many ways. I am constantly dreaming of my life before all the heartache, but I can’t imagine him not in my life.
2. Little Debbie cakes are my weakness. I’m generally a very healthy eater. I cook every night and we very rarely eat out. Put a little Debbie cake in front of me and will devour the box in 2 minutes.
1. I’m a loner. I’ve always been independent and ok on my own. I think that’s why our situation has affected me as it has. My selfishness still hasn’t worn off and there are dreams I want to accomplish.
And through it all I will.
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