30 Day blog Challenge: The meaning behind my blog name
I started, or tried to start, a blog challenge a while back. Though the first post turned out well, for whatever reason I just didn’t continue. I want to try again and really force myself to complete it. I’m, by nature, a very organized multitasker who is insanely good at not completing projects. Today, I’m changing that.
Today. Day 1. What’s the meaning behind my blog name?
I think it’s a pretty simple answer. I picked the blog name for a simple reason. I want to write about our life with my little guy. He is currently undiagnosed with multiple issues and there is this huge world of special needs that exists, I never knew about.
Things like this didn’t happen to people like me and my husband. We have zero special needs members in our family and to be honest, we didn’t know anyone with special needs. I really believed there either weren’t that many people suffering, because I never saw them in public, or something extraordinarily tragic had to happen to cause it.
Neither are true.
I tend to bury my feelings. Or at least I used to. I started this blog to put my feelings on paper. I can say and feel however I want on these pages. This has been a very hard year and I don’t see it slowing down anytime soon, but I want to document the journey. If anyone can benefit from hearing that they simply are not alone, I did my job and I did it well.
So, I didn’t think long and hard on my blog name. I didn’t come up with a fancy smancy pun or catchy title. I wanted something simple that others would be able to understand if they found my blog by happenstance.
Hopefully, it has done its job.
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